cbs academy
Welcome to the CBS Academy for Applied Contextual Behavioral Science

Watch our introduction to the CBS Academy
Discover the new and advanced contextual behavioral science which is reshaping the world of psychotherapy and training. See how you can join our community and enjoy state of the art practical training and continuous support throughout your professional life. 
Join our FREE workshop
Join us for a journey of togetherness

It's a journey of togetherness and ability to form close connections, which is not only at the core of our mental health, but our interpersonal closeness which helps us live longer
This  workshop is based on the Awareness, Courage and  Love (ACL) model developed and researched at the University of Washington. This courage, genuineness, love and awareness has the power to transform relationships.  
Watch the video of the last session for a first impression...
The Power of 3


The full range of CBS disciplines ( ACT, RFT, FAP, etc ) in a unique training method offering you a true 'real life' experience so you'll know right away what to do with your first client.


All the support you need to setup and run your own practice, both in the professional and administrative aspects ( registration, accounting, legal, etc )


A vibrant international community of peers to exchange and consult with. An approved and certified data base of practitioners for client to confidently choose from.
What people are saying...
ACT is one of the most researched and accepted methods in the world of psychology in the last two decades. Dov Benyaacov-Kurtzman has been studying ACT thoroughly for many years. I hope you will seriously consider attending these workshops

Prof Steven Hayes, Uni. of Nevada
CBS, RFT and Process Based CBT founder
Dov, congratulations on your contribution to the promotion of RFT. These are fantastic news. Wonderful you are doing this.

Matthieu Villatte, PhD, clinical trainer and author of Mastering the Clinical Conversation: Language as Intervention 
I’m very excited that you are planning to teach Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) and Awareness, Courage and Love (ACL) in Hebrew. You definitely have my blessing and support.

Mavis Tsai, founder of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) together with Robert Kolnberg. Managing director FAP clinic at Washington University. International recognition as top coach, consultant and clinical practitioner.

Russ Harris, internationally acclaimed ACT trainer, author of best-selling  book The Happiness Trap

Adrian, CBT Therapist/EMDR Practitioner NHS Scotland - One of Dov's students from his Year ACT course
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